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Accessible Bathroom

Falls & Home Safety 

“In Canada, falls are the leading cause of injury-related hospitalizations and injury deaths among people aged 65 or older. Injuries from falls reduce older adults’ quality of life, increase caregiver demands, and precipitate admissions into long-term care.”


“Approximately 52% of falls resulting in hospitalization occurred in a household residence.” Surveillance report on falls among older adults in Canada (March 2022)​

Our Occupational Therapists can help determine which strategies, equipment, and/or adaptations can improve you or your loved ones safety and independence. We understand the significance of preventing falls, as these can be detrimental to a person’s function, especially as we age.


Our goal is to help our client's maintain, and even improve, their level of independence, while reducing the risk of injury and potential hospitalization.

Wheelchair Access
Don’t wait until it’s too late, book your home assessment today!

At Thrive Therapy we are passionate about helping individuals remain safe at home, while understanding the importance maintaining their independence with daily routines. Our assessments not only reduce the likelihood of fall-related injuries, but they also give family and friends peace of mind knowing their loved ones have optimized their safety and function in their home environment.


An Occupational Therapist (OT) can help to ensure your home environment meets both your short-term and long-term needs. The OT will first complete an assessment of your daily routines, goals, and dependencies. They will then assess your current and likely future level of function, and gather information on any support you may have from family, friends, and/or caregivers.


The OT assessment is used to help determine potential risks and may include review of:

  • Bathroom and bathing facility access

  • Transfers from bed, toilet, and/or chair

  • Kitchen safety, function, and design

  • General home layout and potential hazards

  • Mobility, balance, and risk of falls

  • Improving home and community access

  • Possible adaptive home equipment recommendations

Please contact us, sending us an email, calling us directly at 902-943-2621, or by scheduling a free 15-minute appointment on our online booking site!

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