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Kid's Art Supplies

Clinic Locations!

Halifax Clinic
Find us in the Bayers Road Centre!

Our clinic is located in Suite 325 in the Bayers Road Centre at 7071 Bayers Rd, Halifax, NS B3L 2C2.  We are in the ‘Starlite Gallery’, which is accessible via elevator and/or stairs. ​The most direct access point is through the rear door (via Desmond Ave); however, if entering through the front (via Bayers Rd), main door #2 and #3 are the closest.


Halifax Clinic

If entering through the rear doors via Desmond Avenue (large glass doors to the right of Vacuum Hut), keep to your left and you will find an elevator. Take the elevator to floor #3. Once exiting the elevator, walk a short distance and take the first hallway on your left. Suite 325 is the second suite, directly at the top of the stairs.

If entering through main door #3 (with signs for Subway), follow the hallway to the right until you see escalators. To the right of the escalators there is an elevator which will take you to the second floor. Once exiting the elevator, walk a short distance and take the first hallway on your left. Suite 325 is the second suite, directly at the top of the stairs. Alternatively, stairs can also be taken from the main level to the second level. The stairs are located to the right of the elevator, where a a "Starlite Gallery" sign is visible. Suite 325 is directly at the top of the stairs.

If entering through main door #2 (to the left of the glass CGI tower), walk to the open area with escalators and then take the hallway to your left. Walk down this hallway until you reach a set of stairs on your right with a "Starlite Gallery" sign. Suite 325 is located directly at the top of the stairs. Alternatively, if requiring an elevator, continue to walk past the stairs until you reach another set of escalators. The elevator is located down a short hallway to the right of the escalators. Once exiting the elevator, walk a short distance and take the first hallway on your left.  Suite 325 is the second suite, directly at the top of the stairs.

Bedford Clinic
Bedford clinic location

Bedford Clinic
Find us in the Bedford Sun Tower 

We are please to announce a second clinic location. Our clinic is located in suite 210-15 in the Sun Tower Building in Bedford NS.


To find us, enter through the building's main entrance and take the elevator to the 2nd floor. When exiting the elevator, suite 210 is located straight in front of you. Please take a seat just inside the suite doors and we will come to get you for your appointment.

Free parking is available in the Sun Tower parking lot.


Sun Tower location is now bookable on our online booking site! 

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